Conveyor Belts

History of Conveyor Systems

Although a conveyor belt has become a common sight in modern industrial environments and factories, it was once an innovative creation that helped businesses in numerous ways. It provided an ideal answer to saving on manual labour, time and expenses and additionally, it made managing goods considerably easier. Though a conveyor system has become a piece of equipment that’s frequently ignored, they actually have a long and intriguing history.

Early Systems

{The earlier forms of conveyor belts were utilized since 1795, making use of a mechanical instead of an electrical system. These were predominantly employed in the agricultural industry as a method of moving huge quantities of grain and this saved farm owners and farm labours lots of hard work. Yet another industry which was using similar systems throughout this time was the mining industry that utilized them to transfer coal. These types of early systems consisted of a wooden frame and belts made of fabric or rubber. This great site provides extensive more info on the topic of belt conveyors in Uk.


From the 19th century onwards, conveyors have been utilized for material handling. The very first conveyor roller was patented in 1908 by Hymie Goddard of the Logan Company, Indiana. Nonetheless, it was a further 5 years before the conveyor business started to prosper. The biggest transformation to mainstream industry arrived 1913 when Henry Ford launched the idea of the assembly line by having conveyor belts to increase production. By 1919, powered and free conveyor lines were becoming applied with the automotive industry to deal with mass production. Further progress was made in the Nineteen twenties when systems had been built longer. Artificial materials started to be used in the manufacturing of conveyor systems during World War II as a result of scarcity of natural components. Systems also improved dramatically throughout this period. In 1948, the first standards for conveyor systems had been founded. From this time till nowadays, power rollers have been perfected and this helped to reduce the expenses of upkeep.


{Today, roller conveyors have a crucial role in many industrial sectors, such as food processing and manufacturing, farming, automotive, chemicals, pharmaceutical products, mail and production. Actually, you’ll find very few industries that are not dependent on these systems at some stage in the course of manufacturing, storing or managing.

{Even though it’s not a topic that many individuals think about, conveyor belts have an integral part inside the basic functioning of modern society right now. When you think about it, you will find a large number of conveyors working simultaneously at any one time all around the world.